In this picture, North Ryde Physiotherapist Isabel Armsworth is demonstrating how neck pain can often be associated with your work place set up .

Jaw Pain

Do you experience pain in your jaw?

By North Ryde Physiotherapist Isabel Armsworth

Jaw pain is a common condition suffered by many people. The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are two joints which attach your jaw bone to your skull. These joints are what allow movement of the jaw, such as allowing for the ability to open and close our mouths. Many people suffer from Jaw Pain, and this pain can come from issues with the joint or muscles of the jaw. In the following blog, Ryde Natural Health Clinic Physiotherapist Isabel Armsworth discusses Jaw Pain: the common structures which contribute, the symptoms and causes of Jaw Pain, and what can be done to help.


The Jaw or Temporomandibular joint is made up of 2 bones; the temporal bone of the skull and the mandible

What are the structures which contribute to Jaw Pain?

The Jaw or Temporomandibular joint is made up of 2 bones; the temporal bone of the skull and the mandible. Between both bones there is a disc that also contributes to the joint. There are also 4 main muscles in the area; masseter, temporalis and two pterygoids.


What are the common symptoms of Jaw Pain?

Some of the common symptoms of jaw pain may include:

  • Clicking
  • Pain
  • Limited movement of the jaw
  • Tenderness over joint and muscles
  • Tightness of muscles
  • Fullness or aching in the ear
  • Headaches
  • Locking of the Jaw


What are the common causes of Jaw Pain?

Jaw Pain is a common condition for many people due the use of the joint in our daily lives.

Some of the common causes of Jaw Pain include:

  • Trauma e.g. direct hit to side of face
  • Neck pain
  • Previous jaw dislocations
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth
  • Arthritis of the disc or joint
  • Displacement of the disc


What can my health professional do to help with my Jaw Pain?

In an appointment with a health professional, such as a Physiotherapist, Osteopath or Chiropractor, your practitioner will take in-depth the history of your jaw pain to try and establish the exact cause of your pain. This will include an in-depth assessment and testing of your jaw and the surrounding areas which could be causing your pain, such as your neck. After the initial assessment has been completed, your practitioner will then use a variety of hands-on techniques to try to relax the tight muscles in your jaw and to improve joint movement. They may also give you advice on things you can do for yourself at home to help with your pain, which may include prescribing exercises and stretches.


Where can I find out more about Physiotherapist Isabel Armsworth?

For more information on Isabel and Physiotherapy here at Ryde Natural Health Clinic, or to book an appointment, call RNHC Reception on (02) 9878 5021, or head to

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